Day to day life can be tough. It's possible you may have experienced a number of challenging and distressing situations lately. Maybe you are struggling to make sense of things and you are finding it harder and harder to cope. Perhaps you have experience of using coping strategies to manage your mental health, but these don't seem to be working at the moment.
If this sounds familiar and you feel like you need a safe space, where you can experience a supportive and collaborative approach to the challenges you are experiencing please get in touch with me. All of the work I offer for adults is on an individual basis and can be facilitated either face to face or via on-line platforms such as Zoom.

If you have concerns or worries about your children or young person I am here to support you, and work directly with them. I have a wealth of experience of working with the psychological difficulties that can make everyday life for children, adolescents and young people challenging.
You will be an integral part of supporting your child or young person to implement the strategies they learn and I will keep you informed of the work we do together.
I work with children on a one to one basis but also offer group work. During our initial consultation we will discuss if individual work or being part of a group would be more beneficial for your child or young person.
I am a trained Healing Together Facilitator. This means that I can deliver a 6 week trauma-informed programme written specifically for children and adults who have been affected by domestic abuse.
This work can be facilitated as part of a group or on a one to one basis. Each week there are mindfulness exercises, techniques to learn and video examples to work through which have been written by a trauma expert to equip, those who attend, with skills to ensure they can manage the flare up of big emotions.
Please ask me if you feel you or someone you know could benefit from receiving this programme.

Been able to offer supervision to others has been one of the highlights of my career so far.
If you are a fellow psychologist, healthcare professional, mental health lead, designated safeguarding lead or third sector organisation please get in touch and enquire about supervision.
Vicarious trauma is an integral part of working in the caring industry, caused by listening to distressing information regularly. Not having a safe place to reflect and process these experiences can cause significant mental health challenges for workers in these areas.
I have offered supervision to a wide range people and I would be delighted to have the opportunity to offer supervision to you.
I am also an accredited BABCP member and eligible to offer supervision to accredited members or support you to achieve accreditation.
If you'd like to explore the idea of getting support, it starts with an email. Contact me in the strictest confidence and I will arrange a time to contact you for an initial conversation. It's about taking a series of small steps to better understanding and having the tools you need to help you navigate a more comfortable life.